- Day School
- Grades: PreK to 12
- Number of Students: 613
- Number of HS Students: 120
- States Represented: 5+
- Countries Represented: 15+
- Number of Faculty: 75
- % of Bilingual Speakers: 95%
- Master's Degrees: 20
- Doctorates: 2
- Elementary School Teachers are all state-certified
- Middle School and High School teachers specialize in the subject areas they teach
2024-2025 Tuition
- Early Childhood: $11,550
- Elementary: $11,250
- Middle School: $11,650
- High School: $14,200
- Average SAT Scores, Class of 2025:
• Evidence-Based Reading: 637
• Math: 635
• Total: 1272 - Average ACT Scores, Class of 2022:
• English: 32
• Math: 33.5
• Reading: 34.5 - National Merit Finalists, to date: 10
- National Merit Commended Students: 59
AP Information, 2024:- 100% of NUI students earned a 3 or higher on the 2024 AP English Language exam
- 100% of NUI students earned a 3 or higher on the 2024 AP Calc BC exam
- 100% of NUI students earned a 3 or higher on the 2023 AP Biology exam
- 4 NUI students tested, scoring an average of 3.5 on the AP Chemistry exam
2017: AP Exams Administered: 3
2020: AP Exams Administered: 29
2021: AP Exams Administered: 37
2022: AP Exams Administered: 43
2023: AP Exams Administered: 32
2024: AP Exams Administered: 29
More NUI students are taking advantage of in-house AP courses and testing to earn college credit. Read more about our AP program here.
- New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS)
- Council of Islamic Schools of North America (CISNA)
- Recognized by the NJ Department of Education
- New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS)
- National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
- Council of Islamic Schools of North America (CISNA)
- Islamic Schools League of America (ISLA)
- Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education (CSEE)
- College Board
- National Honor Society
- Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society
- Operational Budget: 5.5 Million Dollars
- 2% State Funding
- 8% Donations
- Tuition Discounts and Financial Aid awards

Located on the premises of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey (ISCJ) in the suburban community of South Brunswick about midway between New York and Philadelphia, in a 52,000 square foot facility. The school is planning another 30,000 foot expansion over the next few years to accommodate a new gym, cafeteria, auditorium and special-purpose classrooms.
- Miles to Princeton, NJ: 8 miles
- Miles to New York City: 50 miles
- Miles to Philadelphia: 50 miles
- Miles to Newark International Airport: 33 miles
Interested in a private tour? Please contact our Main Office by calling 732-328-1800 or emailing mainoffice@nuischool.org.