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Rutger's University Model United Nations Conference

November 22, 2022
By NUI School

The Noor-Ul-Iman Model United Nations (NUIMUN) attended Rutgers University Model United Nations (RUMUN) this past week. It was a rigorous four day conference that our delegates participated in actively. RUMUN is primarily a double delegation conference meaning two delegates represent the same committee. This teaches students the importance of team work and working together to achieve a common goal.  Delegates participated in advanced committees such as the 2019 Executive council of Hong Kong where delegates had to address the civil unrest in Hong Kong or specialized agencies such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) where delegates had to address Climate Change and Rohingya Refugee Crisis. Each of these committees required research from our delegates and realistic  resolutions that could one day be applied within the United Nations.  MashAllah NUI had 39 delegates participate and they all worked hard.  We are very proud of all of them.

Areen A. and Hani F. won the Best Delegate Award in UNICEF
Nora E. and Tasnim S. won Outstanding Delegate Award UNHRC